I've blogged in the past, but never kept up with it long term. This is usually a result of several factors, mostly time-related. It's also because I haven't felt particularly compelled to blog about the goings-on in my life since they are not overly fascinating or interesting. I save those kinds of day-to-day epiphanies for my personal journal. Sometimes when I read blogs I just end up feeling overwhelmed by how perfect everyone sounds. This blog is not an attempt for me to be a serial blogger (I know that won't happen even if I tried) or to pretend that my life is glorious and perfect. It's not. It's just a spot to post some of the music I've written.
So here's the deal. The blog is mostly just a convenient place for me to keep all of my music in one place. I learned the hard way that it's always a good idea to back-up important videos/pictures to an internet site because last October my hard-drive crashed and I lost literally everything. EVERYthing. It was a sad day, and so I am a real promoter of backing up files on an internet space that won't be affected by electronic mishaps. I know we can all relate; we've all been there.
When I was little I would sing harmony to the "oldies but goodies" radio station. I've always sort of had a knack for harmonizing; and have definitely always loved to sing. I don't pretend to be the best or most talented singer, but I do enjoy it, and I also enjoy sharing it with others. Last January (2011) I decided that since I had always wanted to play the guitar I would give it a go and start teaching myself. Lucky for me my Dad plays the guitar and several years ago he got a custom-built guitar made just for him. Since he's been really busy with his work, he hasn't played in quite some time and so he was more than happy for me to try my hand at it. I was pretty awful when I first started. I looked up guitar chord fingerings online and stumbled my way through trying to figure out how to play them, and when I look back on some of the recordings I made I just have to laugh because it was pretty bad. I'm not entirely sure what posessed me to do this, but one month after I started playing the guitar I sang (and played) at a church talent show. YIKES. The poor audience. If anyone has a recording of that blessed performance I would honestly pay good money to relive the "glory" (aka awkwardness) and then I may or may not burn the evidence when I'm through. Maybe.
Ever since that time I have been playing and practicing and am slowly improving. I'm sure any guitar aficionado would cringe if they really watched me play. I probably have really bad "form" and am breaking some pretty fundamental cardinal rules of guitar playing. But oh well. I don't play to be the best.
Anyway, just recently (within the last 3 weeks) have I started to write songs. They are 100% original, and although they are still rough in spots, I'm thoroughly enjoying the process.
So, without further ado, here are some of my most recent originals. Happy listening and here goes...
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